Using ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS for Secure Kubernetes Deployments

As Kubernetes becomes the standard for container orchestration, managing and securing your Kubernetes deployments is critical. ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS (Secret Operations) can be combined to provide a powerful, secure, and automated solution for managing Kubernetes applications.

This guide provides a detailed overview of how to integrate ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS to achieve secure GitOps workflows in Kubernetes.

1. Overview of the Tools


ArgoCD is a declarative GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It allows you to automatically synchronize your Kubernetes cluster with the desired state defined in a Git repository. ArgoCD monitors this repository for changes and ensures that the live state in the cluster matches the desired state specified in the repository.


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, similar to apt or yum for Linux. It simplifies the deployment and management of applications by using “charts” that define an application’s Kubernetes resources. Helm charts can include templates for Kubernetes manifests, allowing you to reuse and customize deployments across different environments.

SOPS (Secret Operations)

SOPS is an open-source tool created by Mozilla that helps securely manage secrets by encrypting them before storing them in a Git repository. It integrates with cloud KMS (Key Management Services) like AWS KMS, GCP KMS, and Azure Key Vault, as well as PGP and age, to encrypt secrets at rest.

2. Integrating ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS

When combined, ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS allow you to automate and secure Kubernetes deployments as follows:

  1. ArgoCD monitors your Git repository and applies changes to your Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Helm packages and templatizes your Kubernetes manifests, making it easy to deploy complex applications.
  3. SOPS encrypts sensitive data, such as secrets and configuration files, ensuring that these are securely stored in your Git repository.

3. Setting Up Helm with ArgoCD

Step 1: Store Your Helm Charts in Git

  • Create a Helm Chart: If you haven’t already, create a Helm chart for your application using the helm create <chart-name> command. This command generates a basic chart structure with Kubernetes manifests and a values.yaml file.
  • Push to Git: Store the Helm chart in a Git repository that ArgoCD will monitor. Organize your repository to include directories for different environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod) with corresponding values.yaml files for each.

Step 2: Configure ArgoCD to Use Helm

  • Create an ArgoCD Application: You can do this via the ArgoCD UI or CLI. Specify the Git repository URL, the path to the Helm chart, and the target Kubernetes cluster and namespace.
  argocd app create my-app \
    --repo \
    --path helm/my-app \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --dest-namespace my-namespace \
    --helm-set key1=value1 \
    --helm-set key2=value2
  • Sync Policy: Choose whether to sync automatically or manually. Auto-sync will automatically apply changes from the Git repository to the Kubernetes cluster whenever there’s a commit.

Step 3: Manage Helm Values with SOPS

One of the challenges in managing Kubernetes deployments is handling sensitive data such as API keys, passwords, and other secrets. SOPS helps by encrypting this data, allowing you to safely store it in your Git repository.

4. Encrypting Helm Values with SOPS

Step 1: Install SOPS

Install SOPS on your local machine:

  • macOS: brew install sops
  • Linux: sudo apt-get install sops
  • Windows: Download the binary from the SOPS releases page.

Step 2: Encrypt the values.yaml File

  • Generate a Key: You can use a cloud KMS, PGP, or age key to encrypt your secrets. For example, if you’re using AWS KMS, create a KMS key in AWS and note the key ID.
  • Encrypt with SOPS: Use SOPS to encrypt the values.yaml file containing your sensitive data.
  sops -e --kms "arn:aws:kms:your-region:your-account-id:key/your-kms-key-id" values.yaml > values.enc.yaml

This command encrypts values.yaml and saves the encrypted version as values.enc.yaml.

Step 3: Store the Encrypted Values in Git

  • Commit the Encrypted File: Commit and push the values.enc.yaml file to your Git repository.
  git add values.enc.yaml
  git commit -m "Add encrypted Helm values"
  git push origin main

5. Deploying with ArgoCD and SOPS

To deploy the application using ArgoCD and the encrypted values file:

Step 1: Configure ArgoCD to Decrypt Values

ArgoCD needs to decrypt the values.enc.yaml file before it can apply the Helm chart. You can use a custom ArgoCD plugin or a Kubernetes init container to handle the decryption.

  • Custom ArgoCD Plugin: Define a custom ArgoCD plugin in the argocd-cm ConfigMap that uses SOPS to decrypt the file before applying the Helm chart.
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    name: argocd-cm
    namespace: argocd
    configManagementPlugins: |
      - name: helm-with-sops
          command: ["sh", "-c"]
          args: ["sops -d values.enc.yaml > values.yaml && helm template ."]

This plugin decrypts the values.enc.yaml file and passes the decrypted values to Helm for rendering.

Step 2: Sync the Application

After configuring the plugin, you can sync the application in ArgoCD:

  • Automatic Sync: If auto-sync is enabled, ArgoCD will automatically decrypt the values and deploy the application whenever changes are detected in the Git repository.
  • Manual Sync: Trigger a manual sync in the ArgoCD UI or CLI:
  argocd app sync my-app

6. Advanced Use Cases

Multi-Environment Configurations

  • Environment-Specific Values: Store environment-specific values in separate encrypted files (e.g.,, Configure ArgoCD to select the appropriate file based on the target environment.

Handling Complex Helm Deployments

  • Helm Hooks: Use Helm hooks to define lifecycle events, such as pre-install or post-install tasks, that need to run during specific phases of the deployment process. Hooks can be useful for running custom scripts or initializing resources.
  • Dependencies: Manage complex applications with multiple dependencies by defining these dependencies in the Chart.yaml file. ArgoCD will handle these dependencies during deployment.

7. Monitoring and Auditing


  • Monitoring Deployments: Use the ArgoCD web UI to monitor the status of your deployments. The UI provides detailed information about sync status, health checks, and any issues that arise.
  • Rollback: If a deployment fails, you can easily roll back to a previous state using the ArgoCD UI or CLI. This ensures that you can recover quickly from errors.

Audit Logging

  • Security Audits: Enable audit logging in ArgoCD to track who made changes, what changes were made, and when they were applied. This is crucial for maintaining security and compliance.


Combining ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS provides a robust and secure way to manage Kubernetes deployments. ArgoCD automates the deployment process, Helm simplifies the management of complex applications, and SOPS ensures that sensitive data remains secure throughout the process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up a secure, automated, and auditable GitOps workflow that leverages the strengths of each tool. This integration not only improves the reliability and security of your deployments but also enhances the overall efficiency of your DevOps practices.