Category: EKS

AWS EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that allows you to run containerized applications on AWS without managing the Kubernetes control plane.

  • The Terraform Toolkit: Spinning Up an EKS Cluster

    Creating an Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster using Terraform involves a series of carefully orchestrated steps. Each step can be encapsulated within its own Terraform module for better modularity and reusability. Here’s a breakdown of how to structure your Terraform project to deploy an EKS cluster on AWS.

    1. VPC Module

    • Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): This is where your EKS cluster will reside.
    • Set Up Subnets: Establish both public and private subnets within the VPC to segregate your resources effectively.

    2. EKS Module

    • Deploy the EKS Cluster: Link the components created in the VPC module to your EKS cluster.
    • Define Security Rules: Set up security groups and rules for both the EKS master nodes and worker nodes.
    • Configure IAM Roles: Create IAM roles and policies needed for the EKS master and worker nodes.

    Project Directory Structure

    Let’s begin by creating a root project directory named terraform-eks-project. Below is the suggested directory structure for the entire Terraform project:

    ├── modules/                    # Root directory for all modules
    │   ├── vpc/                    # VPC module: VPC, Subnets (public & private)
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   └──
    │   │
    │   └── eks/                    # EKS module: cluster, worker nodes, IAM roles, security groups
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └── worker_userdata.tpl
    ├──                  # Backend configuration (e.g., S3 for remote state)
    ├──                     # Main file to call and stitch modules together
    ├──                # Input variables for the main configuration
    ├──                  # Output values from the main configuration
    ├──                 # Provider block for the main configuration
    ├── terraform.tfvars            # Variable definitions file
    └──                   # Documentation and instructions

    Root Configuration Files Overview

    • Specifies how Terraform state is managed and where it’s stored (e.g., in an S3 bucket).
    • The central configuration file that integrates the various modules and manages the AWS resources.
    • Declares the variables used throughout the project.
    • Manages the outputs from the Terraform scripts, such as IDs and ARNs.
    • terraform.tfvars: Contains user-defined values for the variables.
    • Provides documentation and usage instructions for the project.

    Backend Configuration (

    The file is responsible for defining how Terraform state is loaded and how operations are executed. For instance, using an S3 bucket as the backend allows for secure and durable state storage.

    terraform {
      backend "s3" {
        bucket  = "my-terraform-state-bucket"      # Replace with your S3 bucket name
        key     = "path/to/my/key"                 # Path to the state file within the bucket
        region  = "us-west-1"                      # AWS region of your S3 bucket
        encrypt = true                             # Enable server-side encryption of the state file
        # Optional: DynamoDB for state locking and consistency
        dynamodb_table = "my-terraform-lock-table" # Replace with your DynamoDB table name
        # Optional: If S3 bucket and DynamoDB table are in different AWS accounts or need specific credentials
        # profile = "myprofile"                    # AWS CLI profile name

    Main Configuration (

    The file includes module declarations for the VPC and EKS components.

    VPC Module

    The VPC module creates the foundational network infrastructure components.

    module "vpc" {
      source                = "./modules/vpc"            # Location of the VPC module
      env                   = terraform.workspace        # Current workspace (e.g., dev, prod)
      app                   =                    # Application name or type
      vpc_cidr              = lookup(var.vpc_cidr_env, terraform.workspace)  # CIDR block specific to workspace
      public_subnet_number  = 2                          # Number of public subnets
      private_subnet_number = 2                          # Number of private subnets
      db_subnet_number      = 2                          # Number of database subnets
      region                = var.aws_region             # AWS region
      # NAT Gateways settings
      vpc_enable_nat_gateway = var.vpc_enable_nat_gateway  # Enable/disable NAT Gateway
      enable_dns_hostnames = true                         # Enable DNS hostnames in the VPC
      enable_dns_support   = true                         # Enable DNS resolution in the VPC

    EKS Module

    The EKS module sets up a managed Kubernetes cluster on AWS.

    module "eks" {
      source                               = "./modules/eks"
      env                                  = terraform.workspace
      app                                  =
      vpc_id                               = module.vpc.vpc_id
      cluster_name                         = var.cluster_name
      cluster_service_ipv4_cidr            = lookup(var.cluster_service_ipv4_cidr, terraform.workspace)
      public_subnets                       = module.vpc.public_subnet_ids
      cluster_version                      = var.cluster_version
      cluster_endpoint_private_access      = var.cluster_endpoint_private_access
      cluster_endpoint_public_access       = var.cluster_endpoint_public_access
      cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs = var.cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs
      sg_name                              = var.sg_external_eks_name

    Outputs Configuration (

    The file defines the values that Terraform will output after applying the configuration. These outputs can be used for further automation or simply for inspection.

    output "vpc_id" {
      value = module.vpc.vpc_id
    output "cluster_id" {
      value = module.eks.cluster_id
    output "cluster_arn" {
      value = module.eks.cluster_arn
    output "cluster_certificate_authority_data" {
      value = module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data
    output "cluster_endpoint" {
      value = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
    output "cluster_version" {
      value = module.eks.cluster_version

    Variable Definitions (terraform.tfvars)

    The terraform.tfvars file is where you define the values for variables that Terraform will use.

    aws_region = "us-east-1"
    # VPC Core
    vpc_cidr_env = {
      "dev" = ""
      #"test" = ""
      #"prod" = ""
    cluster_service_ipv4_cidr = {
      "dev" = ""
      #"test" = ""
      #"prod" = ""
    enable_dns_hostnames   = true
    enable_dns_support     = true
    vpc_enable_nat_gateway = false
    # EKS Configuration
    cluster_name                         = "test_cluster"
    cluster_version                      = "1.27"
    cluster_endpoint_private_access      = true
    cluster_endpoint_public_access       = true
    cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs = [""]
    sg_external_eks_name                 = "external_kubernetes_sg"

    Variable Declarations (

    The file is where you declare all the variables used in your Terraform configuration. This allows for flexible and reusable configurations.

    variable "aws_region" {
      description = "Region in which AWS Resources to be created"
      type        = string
      default     = "us-east-1"
    variable "zone" {
      description = "The zone where VPC is"
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
    variable "azs" {
      type        = list(string)
      description = "List of availability zones suffixes."
      default     = ["a", "b", "c"]
    variable "app" {
      description = "The APP name"
      default     = "ekstestproject"
    variable "env" {
      description = "The Environment variable"
      type        = string
      default     = "dev"
    variable "vpc_cidr_env" {}
    variable "cluster_service_ipv4_cidr" {}
    variable "enable_dns_hostnames" {}
    variable "enable_dns_support" {}
    # VPC Enable NAT Gateway (True or False)
    variable "vpc_enable_nat_gateway" {
      description = "Enable NAT Gateways for Private Subnets Outbound Communication"
      type        = bool
      default     = true
    # VPC Single NAT Gateway (True or False)
    variable "vpc_single_nat_gateway" {
      description = "Enable only single NAT Gateway in one Availability Zone to save costs during our demos"
      type        = bool
      default     = true
    # EKS Variables
    variable "cluster_name" {
      description = "The EKS cluster name"
      default     = "k8s"
    variable "cluster_version" {
      description = "The Kubernetes minor version to use for the
     EKS cluster (for example 1.26)"
      type        = string
      default     = null
    variable "cluster_endpoint_private_access" {
      description = "Indicates whether the Amazon EKS private API server endpoint is enabled."
      type        = bool
      default     = false
    variable "cluster_endpoint_public_access" {
      description = "Indicates whether the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint is enabled."
      type        = bool
      default     = true
    variable "cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs" {
      description = "List of CIDR blocks which can access the Amazon EKS public API server endpoint."
      type        = list(string)
      default     = [""]
    variable "sg_external_eks_name" {
      description = "The SG name."


    This guide outlines the key components of setting up an Amazon EKS cluster using Terraform. By organizing your Terraform code into reusable modules, you can efficiently manage and scale your infrastructure across different environments. The modular approach not only simplifies management but also promotes consistency and reusability in your Terraform configurations.

  • ECS vs. EKS: Which Container Orchestration Service is Right for You?

    How to Choose Between AWS ECS and EKS for Your Application

    The modern cloud ecosystem provides an array of services to deploy containerized applications. Among these, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers both Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Making a decision between the two can be challenging. In this article, we will explore the key considerations to help you decide which is better suited for your application’s needs.

    Understanding ECS and EKS:

    ECS (Elastic Container Service):

    • Fully managed container orchestration service provided by AWS.
    • Allows running Docker containers at scale without managing the underlying infrastructure.
    • Integrates closely with AWS services like Application Load Balancer, Fargate, and CloudWatch.

    EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service):

    • AWS’s managed Kubernetes service.
    • Run Kubernetes without setting up or maintaining the Kubernetes control plane.
    • Benefit from the flexibility of Kubernetes while offloading management overhead to AWS.

    Key Considerations: ECS vs. EKS

    Integration with AWS ServicesTightly integrated with AWS services. Direct support for features like VPCs, IAM roles, and ALBs.Integration using Kubernetes add-ons or plugins. May require more manual configurations.
    Scalability and FlexibilityNative AWS service, offering simpler scalability within the AWS ecosystem.Built on Kubernetes, designed for high scalability and flexibility. Offers granular control.
    Community Support and EcosystemStrong support from AWS, but may have limited community-driven extensions or tools.Vast, active open-source community due to Kubernetes. Numerous plugins, tools, and extensions available.
    Learning Curve and Management OverheadSimpler learning curve, especially if familiar with AWS. Fully managed with less operational overhead.Requires understanding Kubernetes, which can have a steeper learning curve. Managed but some operational aspects need attention.
    Security FeaturesIAM Roles for Tasks: Assign IAM roles to ECS tasks to give permissions to AWS services. VPC Isolation: Run tasks within a VPC for network isolation.IAM Integration with Kubernetes RBAC: Combine IAM with Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control for fine-grained access. Network Policies: Define how pods communicate with each other and other network endpoints using the Kubernetes Network Policy API.
    Operational InsightsIntegrated with CloudWatch for logging and monitoring. Supports AWS X-Ray for tracing.Integrates with multiple logging and monitoring tools from the Kubernetes ecosystem. Amazon CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray can also be used with additional configurations.
    Deployment ModelsFargate: Serverless compute for containers. No need to provision or manage servers. EC2: Launch or connect ECS to an existing EC2 instance.Managed Node Groups: Simplified worker node provisioning. Fargate for EKS: Serverless compute for Kubernetes.
    Cost ImplicationsPricing based on vCPU and memory resources that your containerized applications request.Pay for the EKS service and any EC2 instances or Fargate resources used. Potentially more cost-effective at larger scale.


    Your choice between ECS and EKS should be based on your application’s specific needs, your familiarity with AWS and Kubernetes, the level of flexibility you require, and your budget constraints. Both services have their strengths, and understanding these can guide you towards making an informed decision.