Tag: Container Orchestration

  • Setting Up Kubernetes on Bare Metal: A Guide to Kubeadm and Kubespray

    Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform, widely used to manage containerized applications in production environments. While cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes services, there are scenarios where you might need to set up Kubernetes on bare metal servers. Two popular tools for setting up Kubernetes on bare metal are Kubeadm and Kubespray. This article will…

  • Kubernetes Setup Guide: Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch

    Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It’s the de facto standard for running production-grade containerized applications, providing powerful features like automatic scaling, rolling updates, and self-healing capabilities. This guide will walk you through setting up a Kubernetes cluster from scratch,…

  • How to Run WordPress Locally Using Docker Compose: A Guide for Developers

    WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, powering millions of websites. Running WordPress locally on your machine is an essential step for developers looking to test themes, plugins, or custom code before deploying to a live server. Docker Compose offers a convenient way to set up and manage WordPress and…

  • Dual-stack IPv6 Networking for Amazon ECS Fargate

    Dual-stack networking for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) on AWS Fargate enables your applications to use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This setup is essential for modern cloud applications, providing better scalability, improved address management, and facilitating global connectivity. Key Benefits of Dual-stack Networking How Dual-stack IPv6 Works with ECS Fargate When you enable dual-stack…