Tag: Kubernetes cluster

  • What happens if the Control Plane itself becomes a bottleneck?

    Key Impacts of a Control Plane Bottleneck

    1. Delayed Scheduling
      • The Scheduler may struggle to place Pods on nodes efficiently.
      • New workloads might remain in a “Pending” state for extended periods because the Scheduler cannot process requests quickly enough.
    2. Cluster State Drift
      • Controllers in the Controller Manager might not reconcile the desired and actual cluster states promptly.
      • For example, if a Pod crashes, the system might not create a replacement Pod quickly.
    3. Slow or Unresponsive API Server
      • The API Server might become slow or entirely unresponsive, causing issues with cluster management.
      • Users and automation tools (like CI/CD pipelines) might face delays or timeouts when trying to interact with the cluster.
    4. Etcd Overload
      • Etcd may struggle to handle read and write requests, leading to slow cluster state updates.
      • High latency in etcd can affect all Control Plane operations since it’s the central source of truth for cluster data.
    5. Monitoring and Logging Failures
      • Delayed or missing updates to monitoring and logging systems might obscure critical issues in the cluster.
      • Troubleshooting becomes challenging without up-to-date metrics or logs.
    6. Risk of System Instability
      • If the Control Plane cannot manage resources efficiently, the cluster might enter a degraded or unstable state.
      • This could lead to cascading failures, such as nodes becoming overwhelmed or Pods failing to restart.

    What Causes Control Plane Bottlenecks?

    • High API Request Load: Excessive kubectl commands, automated scripts, or misbehaving applications making frequent API requests.
    • Large Cluster Size: The Control Plane may struggle with scaling as the number of nodes and Pods increases.
    • Etcd Resource Constraints: Insufficient memory, CPU, or disk IOPS for etcd can slow down the entire system.
    • Unoptimized Configurations: Misconfigurations, such as too many controllers running simultaneously or poor scheduling policies.
    • Networking Issues: Latency or packet loss in communication between Control Plane components can slow operations.

    How to Mitigate Control Plane Bottlenecks

    1. Optimize API Usage
      • Limit unnecessary API calls by auditing requests and rate-limiting automated processes.
    2. Scale Control Plane Components
      • In large clusters, deploy a highly available Control Plane with multiple replicas of the API Server, Controller Manager, and Scheduler.
      • Ensure etcd has sufficient resources and runs in a clustered setup for high availability.
    3. Monitor Control Plane Metrics
      • Use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor Control Plane performance.
      • Set up alerts for high API latencies, etcd slowdowns, or Scheduler delays.
    4. Optimize Etcd Performance
      • Use SSDs for etcd’s storage to improve read/write performance.
      • Regularly back up etcd and clean up unused data to avoid bloating.
    5. Test and Plan for Scalability
      • Conduct load testing to identify bottlenecks before they occur in production.
      • Use Kubernetes best practices, such as splitting workloads into multiple smaller clusters if scaling becomes problematic.

    If a bottleneck occurs, the first step is to identify which Control Plane component is causing the issue (e.g., API Server, Scheduler, etcd) and address its specific constraints. Proactive monitoring and scaling are key to avoiding such problems in the first place.

  • How to Launch Zipkin and Sentry in a Local Kind Cluster Using Terraform and Helm

    In modern software development, monitoring and observability are crucial for maintaining the health and performance of applications. Zipkin and Sentry are two powerful tools that can be used to track errors and distributed traces in your applications. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of deploying Zipkin and Sentry on a local Kubernetes cluster managed by Kind, using Terraform and Helm. This setup provides a robust monitoring stack that you can run locally for development and testing.


    This guide describes a Terraform project designed to deploy a monitoring stack with Sentry for error tracking and Zipkin for distributed tracing on a Kubernetes cluster managed by Kind. The project automates the setup of all necessary Kubernetes resources, including namespaces and Helm releases for both Sentry and Zipkin.

    Tech Stack

    • Kind: A tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers as nodes.
    • Terraform: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used to manage the deployment.
    • Helm: A package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment of applications.


    Before you start, make sure you have the following installed and configured:

    • Kubernetes cluster: We’ll use Kind for this local setup.
    • Terraform: Installed on your local machine.
    • Helm: Installed for managing Kubernetes packages.
    • kubectl: Configured to communicate with your Kubernetes cluster.

    Project Structure

    Here are the key files in the project:

    • provider.tf: Sets up the Terraform provider configuration for Kubernetes.
    • sentry.tf: Defines the Terraform resources for deploying Sentry using Helm.
    • zipkin.tf: Defines the Kubernetes resources necessary for deploying Zipkin.
    • zipkin_ingress.tf: Sets up the Kubernetes Ingress resource for Zipkin to allow external access.
    Example: zipkin.tf
    resource "kubernetes_namespace" "zipkin" {
      metadata {
        name = "zipkin"
    resource "kubernetes_deployment" "zipkin" {
      metadata {
        name      = "zipkin"
        namespace = kubernetes_namespace.zipkin.metadata[0].name
      spec {
        replicas = 1
        selector {
          match_labels = {
            app = "zipkin"
        template {
          metadata {
            labels = {
              app = "zipkin"
          spec {
            container {
              name  = "zipkin"
              image = "openzipkin/zipkin"
              port {
                container_port = 9411
    resource "kubernetes_service" "zipkin" {
      metadata {
        name      = "zipkin"
        namespace = kubernetes_namespace.zipkin.metadata[0].name
      spec {
        selector = {
          app = "zipkin"
        port {
          port        = 9411
          target_port = 9411
        type = "NodePort"
    Example: sentry.tf
    resource "kubernetes_namespace" "sentry" {
      metadata {
        name = var.sentry_app_name
    resource "helm_release" "sentry" {
      name       = var.sentry_app_name
      namespace  = var.sentry_app_name
      repository = "https://sentry-kubernetes.github.io/charts"
      chart      = "sentry"
      version    = "22.2.1"
      timeout    = 900
      set {
        name  = "ingress.enabled"
        value = var.sentry_ingress_enabled
      set {
        name  = "ingress.hostname"
        value = var.sentry_ingress_hostname
      set {
        name  = "postgresql.postgresqlPassword"
        value = var.sentry_postgresql_postgresqlPassword
      set {
        name  = "kafka.podSecurityContext.enabled"
        value = "true"
      set {
        name  = "kafka.podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type"
        value = "Unconfined"
      set {
        name  = "kafka.resources.requests.memory"
        value = var.kafka_resources_requests_memory
      set {
        name  = "kafka.resources.limits.memory"
        value = var.kafka_resources_limits_memory
      set {
        name  = "user.email"
        value = var.sentry_user_email
      set {
        name  = "user.password"
        value = var.sentry_user_password
      set {
        name  = "user.createAdmin"
        value = var.sentry_user_create_admin
      depends_on = [kubernetes_namespace.sentry]


    Before deploying, you need to adjust the configurations in terraform.tfvars to match your environment. This includes settings related to Sentry and Zipkin. Additionally, ensure that the following entries are added to your /etc/hosts file to map the local domains to your localhost:       sentry.local       zipkin.local

    Step 1: Create a Kind Cluster

    Clone the repository containing your Terraform and Helm configurations, and create a Kind cluster using the following command:

    kind create cluster --config prerequisites/kind-config.yaml

    Step 2: Set Up the Ingress NGINX Controller

    Next, set up an Ingress NGINX controller, which will manage external access to the services within your cluster. Apply the Ingress controller manifest:

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/main/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml

    Wait for the Ingress controller to be ready to process requests:

    kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
      --for=condition=ready pod \
      --selector=app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \

    Step 3: Initialize Terraform

    Navigate to the project directory where your Terraform files are located and initialize Terraform:

    terraform init

    Step 4: Apply the Terraform Configuration

    To deploy Sentry and Zipkin, apply the Terraform configuration:

    terraform apply

    This command will provision all necessary resources, including namespaces, Helm releases for Sentry, and Kubernetes resources for Zipkin.

    Step 5: Verify the Deployment

    After the deployment is complete, you can verify the status of your resources by running:

    kubectl get all -A

    This command lists all resources across all namespaces, allowing you to check if everything is running as expected.

    Step 6: Access Sentry and Zipkin

    Once the deployment is complete, you can access the Sentry and Zipkin dashboards through the following URLs:

    These URLs should open the respective web interfaces for Sentry and Zipkin, where you can start monitoring errors and trace requests across your applications.

    Additional Tools

    For a more comprehensive view of your Kubernetes resources, consider using the Kubernetes dashboard, which provides a user-friendly interface for managing and monitoring your cluster.


    If you want to remove the deployed infrastructure, run the following command:

    terraform destroy

    This command will delete all resources created by Terraform. To remove the Kind cluster entirely, use:

    kind delete cluster

    This will clean up the cluster, leaving your environment as it was before the setup.


    By following this guide, you’ve successfully deployed a powerful monitoring stack with Zipkin and Sentry on a local Kind cluster using Terraform and Helm. This setup is ideal for local development and testing, allowing you to monitor errors and trace requests across your applications with ease. With the flexibility of Terraform and Helm, you can easily adapt this configuration to suit other environments or expand it with additional monitoring tools.

  • Setting Up Kubernetes on Bare Metal: A Guide to Kubeadm and Kubespray

    Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform, widely used to manage containerized applications in production environments. While cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes services, there are scenarios where you might need to set up Kubernetes on bare metal servers. Two popular tools for setting up Kubernetes on bare metal are Kubeadm and Kubespray. This article will explore both tools, their use cases, and a step-by-step guide on how to use them to deploy Kubernetes on bare metal.

    Why Set Up Kubernetes on Bare Metal?

    Setting up Kubernetes on bare metal servers is often preferred in the following situations:

    1. Full Control: You have complete control over the underlying infrastructure, including hardware configurations, networking, and security policies.
    2. Cost Efficiency: For organizations with existing physical infrastructure, using bare metal can be more cost-effective than renting cloud-based resources.
    3. Performance: Bare metal deployments eliminate the overhead of virtualization, providing direct access to hardware and potentially better performance.
    4. Compliance and Security: Certain industries require data to be stored on-premises to meet regulatory or compliance requirements. Bare metal setups ensure that data never leaves your physical infrastructure.

    Overview of Kubeadm and Kubespray

    Kubeadm and Kubespray are both tools that simplify the process of deploying a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal, but they serve different purposes and have different levels of complexity.

    • Kubeadm: A lightweight tool provided by the Kubernetes project, Kubeadm initializes a Kubernetes cluster on a single node or a set of nodes. It’s designed for simplicity and ease of use, making it ideal for setting up small clusters or learning Kubernetes.
    • Kubespray: An open-source project that automates the deployment of Kubernetes clusters across multiple nodes, including bare metal, using Ansible. Kubespray supports advanced configurations, such as high availability, network plugins, and persistent storage, making it suitable for production environments.

    Setting Up Kubernetes on Bare Metal Using Kubeadm

    Kubeadm is a straightforward tool for setting up Kubernetes clusters. Below is a step-by-step guide to deploying Kubernetes on bare metal using Kubeadm.


    • Multiple Bare Metal Servers: At least one master node and one or more worker nodes.
    • Linux OS: Ubuntu or CentOS is commonly used.
    • Root Access: Ensure you have root or sudo privileges on all nodes.
    • Network Access: Nodes should be able to communicate with each other over the network.

    Step 1: Install Docker

    Kubeadm requires a container runtime, and Docker is the most commonly used one. Install Docker on all nodes:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y docker.io
    sudo systemctl enable docker
    sudo systemctl start docker

    Step 2: Install Kubeadm, Kubelet, and Kubectl

    Install the Kubernetes components on all nodes:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https curl
    curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
    cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
    deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
    sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl

    Step 3: Disable Swap

    Kubernetes requires that swap be disabled. Run the following on all nodes:

    sudo swapoff -a
    sudo sed -i '/ swap / s/^/#/' /etc/fstab

    Step 4: Initialize the Master Node

    On the master node, initialize the Kubernetes cluster:

    sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

    After the initialization, you will see a command with a token that you can use to join worker nodes to the cluster. Keep this command for later use.

    Step 5: Set Up kubectl for the Master Node

    Configure kubectl on the master node:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
    sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
    sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

    Step 6: Deploy a Network Add-on

    To enable communication between pods, you need to install a network plugin. Calico is a popular choice:

    kubectl apply -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.14/manifests/calico.yaml

    Step 7: Join Worker Nodes to the Cluster

    On each worker node, use the kubeadm join command from Step 4 to join the cluster:

    sudo kubeadm join <master-ip>:6443 --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash>

    Step 8: Verify the Cluster

    Check the status of your nodes to ensure they are all connected:

    kubectl get nodes

    All nodes should be listed as Ready.

    Setting Up Kubernetes on Bare Metal Using Kubespray

    Kubespray is more advanced than Kubeadm and is suited for setting up production-grade Kubernetes clusters on bare metal.


    • Multiple Bare Metal Servers: Ensure you have SSH access to all servers.
    • Ansible Installed: Kubespray uses Ansible for automation. Install Ansible on your control machine.

    Step 1: Prepare the Environment

    Clone the Kubespray repository and install dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray.git
    cd kubespray
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Step 2: Configure Inventory

    Kubespray requires an inventory file that lists all nodes in the cluster. You can generate a sample inventory from a predefined script:

    cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster
    declare -a IPS=(
    CONFIG_FILE=inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml python3 contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py ${IPS[@]}

    Replace the IP addresses with those of your servers.

    Step 3: Customize Configuration (Optional)

    You can customize various aspects of the Kubernetes cluster by editing the inventory/mycluster/group_vars files. For instance, you can enable specific network plugins, configure the Kubernetes version, and set up persistent storage options.

    Step 4: Deploy the Cluster

    Run the Ansible playbook to deploy the cluster:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml --become --become-user=root cluster.yml

    This process may take a while as Ansible sets up the Kubernetes cluster on all nodes.

    Step 5: Access the Cluster

    Once the installation is complete, configure kubectl to access your cluster from the control node:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
    sudo cp -i inventory/mycluster/artifacts/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
    sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

    Verify that all nodes are part of the cluster:

    kubectl get nodes

    Kubeadm vs. Kubespray: When to Use Each

    • Kubeadm:
    • Use Case: Ideal for smaller, simpler setups, or when you need a quick way to set up a Kubernetes cluster for development or testing.
    • Complexity: Simpler and easier to get started with, but requires more manual setup for networking and multi-node clusters.
    • Flexibility: Limited customization and automation compared to Kubespray.
    • Kubespray:
    • Use Case: Best suited for production environments where you need advanced features like high availability, custom networking, and complex configurations.
    • Complexity: More complex to set up, but offers greater flexibility and automation through Ansible.
    • Flexibility: Highly customizable, with support for various plugins, networking options, and deployment strategies.


    Setting up Kubernetes on bare metal provides full control over your infrastructure and can be optimized for specific workloads or compliance requirements. Kubeadm is a great choice for simple or development environments, offering a quick and easy way to get started with Kubernetes. On the other hand, Kubespray is designed for more complex, production-grade deployments, providing automation and customization through Ansible. By choosing the right tool based on your needs, you can efficiently deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal servers.

  • Setting Up Minikube on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide


    Minikube is a powerful tool that allows you to run Kubernetes locally. It provides a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your local machine. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up and use Minikube on a machine running Ubuntu.


    • A computer running Ubuntu 18.04 or higher
    • A minimum of 2 GB of RAM
    • VirtualBox or similar virtualization software installed

    Step 1: Installing Minikube

    To begin with, we need to install Minikube on our Ubuntu machine. First, download the latest Minikube binary:

    curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64

    Now, make the binary executable and move it to your path:

    chmod +x minikube
    sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/

    Step 2: Installing kubectl kubectl is the command line tool for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. Install it with the following commands:

    curl -LO "https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl"
    chmod +x kubectl
    sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/

    Step 3: Starting Minikube To start your single-node Kubernetes cluster, just run:

    minikube start

    After the command completes, your cluster should be up and running. You can interact with it using the kubectl command.

    Step 4: Interacting with Your Cluster To interact with your cluster, you use the kubectl command. For example, to view the nodes in your cluster, run:

    kubectl get nodes

    Step 5: Deploying an Application To deploy an application on your Minikube cluster, you can use a simple YAML file. For example, let’s deploy a simple Nginx server:

    kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx

    Step 6: Accessing Your Application To access your newly deployed Nginx server, you need to expose it as a service:

    kubectl expose deployment nginx --type=NodePort --port=80
    Then, you can find the URL to access the service with:
    minikube service nginx --url

    Conclusion In this guide, we have demonstrated how to set up Minikube on an Ubuntu machine and deploy a simple Nginx server on the local Kubernetes cluster. With Minikube, you can develop and test your Kubernetes applications locally before moving to a production environment.

    Happy Kubernetes-ing!