Tag: kubernetes security

  • Using Sealed Secrets with ArgoCD and Helm Charts

    When managing Kubernetes applications with ArgoCD and Helm, securing sensitive data such as passwords, API keys, and other secrets is crucial. Bitnami Sealed Secrets provides a powerful way to encrypt secrets that can be safely stored in Git and used within your ArgoCD and Helm workflows. This guide will cover how to integrate Sealed Secrets…

  • Using ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS for Secure Kubernetes Deployments

    As Kubernetes becomes the standard for container orchestration, managing and securing your Kubernetes deployments is critical. ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS (Secret Operations) can be combined to provide a powerful, secure, and automated solution for managing Kubernetes applications. This guide provides a detailed overview of how to integrate ArgoCD, Helm, and SOPS to achieve secure GitOps…